Read our
Pastor's Welcome
St. Anne's School is part of St. Anne's Parish, and we are thankful to have Rev. Dan Avila as part of our team!

St. Anne's School Philosophy
St. Anne’s School's philosophy is founded on the belief that Christ is our foundation and our primary purpose is to teach the gospel message.
We believe that the specific function of the school is to fulfill the mission of the Church in accepting the mandate of Jesus Christ Himself:
“Full authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth: go, therefore and make disciples of all nations… Teach them to carry out everything I have commanded you…” (Matthew 28:18-20)
As Catholic educators, we recognize that parents are the first to communicate the faith to their children and to educate them. Active cooperation between parents and school is the essential cornerstone of our school community.
Together with Home, the Church, the Community, and the State we seek the integral development of the human potential in each child–spiritual, moral, intellectual, physiological, social, aesthetic and physical.
We are committed to the development of the whole person, since in Christ; all human values find their fulfillment and unity.

Welcome to
St. Anne's School!
We have made it our mission to dedicate ourselves to the holistic development of each student entrusted to our care. Our Catholic school tradition is one of welcome, where students of all faiths are invited to be a part of our community. We profess the belief that Jesus Christ is the reason for the existence of our school.